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You’re in a season where you need a wig, but you’re not sure if you should you invest in a more expensive human hair wig, or purchase a less expensive synthetic wig?

Knowing some of the details of a human hair wig should help make your decision a little easier.

Many people use human hair wigs because they feel and look more natural than synthetic wigs. Human hair wigs and hair-pieces are created from hair harvested from a human. They can be treated just as you would natural hair by styling, perming and even coloring them. It is important to remember that if you plan to alter your human hair wig, that you should take it to a stylist who has experience in dealing with this type of wig.

human hair wigThe use of care products specifically formulated for human hair wigs is a must.

It’s also important to remember that human hair wigs do not have naturally occurring oils from the scalp so you must hydrate and condition the wig daily. Wigful Thinking carries everything you need to keep your human hair wig in perfect condition.

Human hair wigs can come in a number of textures, so it’s important to match up the texture of your hair if you’ll be using the wig while your hair is growing back after an illness. Human hair wigs need to be washed, conditioned and re-styled frequently, just like natural hair. The weather can affect your human hair wig, just like your own hair would become frizzy or dry during different seasons. Human hair wigs are also more fragile and susceptible to damage due to over-styling or service from an unqualified professional.

Having been harvested from human hair, these wigs are typically more expensive. Depending on your personal preference, having hair that looks and feels natural could be worth the extra financial investment. Having a wig that needs daily maintenance or styling can bring a sense of normalcy as well. Your human hair wig will last a year or longer with proper care and maintenance.

human hair wig

The staff at Wigful Thinking would love the opportunity to help you choose the perfect wig for your individual style. We have products to care for your new wig as well as styling and care services to keep your wig looking perfect!


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